

Aims & Scope 

The second Electrical Engineering International Conference (EEIC’23) will provide a forum for researchers and students to present and share recent research results and ideas in the field of Electrical Engineering and related topics. EEIC’23 will be held at the University A. MIRA of Bejaia (Algeria), and will be organized by the Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of Technology. The opportunity will also be offered to the various actors of the socio-economic sectors to express their concerns to the scientific community and to study together the possibilities of exchange and cooperation on current research topics carrying new and innovative ideas. 


Accepted, registered and presented papers will be published in the proceedings of EEIC’23 with ISBN. Extended version of selected papers in EEIC’23 will be considered for publication in the following journals after a reviewing process. 

trait.JPGConference Location 


The 2nd International Conference EEIC'23 will be held at the University Abderrahmane MIRA of Bejaia (Algeria). Bejaia is located in the heart of the Mediterranean region 220 km east of Algiers. It is home to numerous natural sites and historical vestiges that still bear witness to the splendor of the history that has marked North Africa. Renowned in Europe for the quality of its beeswax candles to which it gave its name: "Bougie". Bejaia is also a significant industrial pole of the area, in particular by the concentration of many industries and one of the largest oil and commercial ports of the Mediterranean. 


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